Teaching Jobs in Poole
About Poole
Poole is a coastal town in the South of England known for its large natural harbour and sandy beaches. Along with that, Poole has a rich history and its Old Town can be a relaxing and nostalgic place to live. Poole attracts many tourists for its incredible water sports activities, the harbour and its 9 islands!
How much is the cost of living in Poole?
- The average rent of a one-bedroom apartment in Poole is £814 pcm compared to an average of £1,832 pcm in London
- The average cost of living for a single person in Poole is £505 pcm compared to £889 pcm in London
Teaching in Poole / What schools are there in this area?
- Out of the 42 registered schools in Poole, 6 are rated Outstanding, 29 are rated Good, 4 require improvement and 0 are inadequate!
- There are 29 Academies in Poole, 5 maintained schools, 3 independent schools and 4 SEND schools. Poole has 1 college.
- In Poole, there are 34 Primary schools, 12 secondary schools and 9 for those aged 16-18
Why choose teaching jobs in Poole?
- The schools in Poole are consistently rated very highly by Ofsted, making it a great destination for experienced teachers. A seafaring past and the old town give Poole a charm unlike any other, and the famous beaches make for idyllic summers.
- At Engage Education we believe in doing our utmost to help our teachers find their ideal Poole teaching job. We have vacancies in all subjects and in a range of different schools to cater to a variety of teaching styles.
- We also guide and mentor our teachers on all placements we offer, in order to facilitate a seamless transition into their new roles.
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