Teaching Jobs in Eastbourne
About Eastbourne
Eastbourne, also known as ‘The Sunshine Coast’. On the seafront of this coastal town, you will find Victorian hotels, the 19th-century Eastbourne Pier and a 1930s bandstand. In the centre, Towner Art Gallery includes modern British works and nearby, Redoubt Fortress, built during the Napoleonic Wars, has a military museum to explore.
If you’re looking for things to do then Eastbourne has a large shopping centre (The Beacon) which has received heavy investment over the years which now contains a number of brand-name retailers, boutiques, restaurants & a movie theatre. In the town, there are also a few theatres, museums and if you want something quieter then why not take a trip to the picturesque nearby Beachy Head.
Travel links in Eastbourne are pretty good too, with direct trains to London that take less than 90 minutes, direct trains to Gatwick that take less than an hour and direct trains to nearby Brighton and Hastings that take less than 45 minutes.
How much is the cost of living in Eastbourne?
Eastbourne in numbers: The average rent of a one-bedroom apartment in Eastbourne is £805 pcm compared to an average of £2,738 pcm in London and an average of £1,349 pcm in Brighton.
Teaching in Eastbourne / What schools are there in this area?
Out of the 38 registered schools:
- 4 schools were rated outstanding in their last OFSTED inspection, 20 good, 4 requires improvement and 2 inadequate
- 16 are academies, 13 are maintained schools, 4 are independent, 4 are special educational needs schools and there is 1 college
- 29 are primary schools, 14 are secondary schools and 5 for those aged 16-18
Why choose teaching jobs in Eastbourne?
- Excellent transport links to London, Brighton and Ashford
- A less expensive seaside town similar to locals Brighton
- A variety of different schools
- Lots of attractions and local events to get involved in