Lambeth Teaching Jobs
What is Lambeth like?
The average rent of a one-bedroom apartment in Lambeth is £1,750 pcm, compared to £2,500 pcm in central London
What are the schools like in the area?
Of the 103 registered schools in the Lambeth area:
- 26 were rated outstanding in their last OFSTED inspection, 54 good, 8 require improvement
- 21 are academies, 60 are maintained schools, 6 are independent, and 11 are special educational needs schools
- 73 are primary schools, 32 are secondary schools and 31 are schools for those aged 16-18
Why choose teaching jobs in Lambeth?
- A vibrant cultural atmosphere
- Excellent property investments
- Lower prices than many North London locations
- A mix of gentrified and up-and-coming areas
Let us find your ideal job
We place talented teachers, teaching assistants and other education staff in their ideal jobs all over the globe. No matter your specialty, subject and teaching style, we’ll have the perfect role for you.
At Engage Education we understand the value of helping our teachers transfer smoothly into their new positions. For this reason we provide dedicated local support and mentoring for all of our roles.